Sunday, March 09, 2008

Where'd the Money and Time Go?

I slept in this morning. Later than I have in quite a while. Thanks to Daylight Savings Time and turning the clocks ahead. It still felt good. Yesterday I was out the door about 8:45am, in blizzard-like conditions, to meet Jody in Delafield. Part of the lakefront freeway (794) is closed through downtown, so the detour takes you on city streets. Once I got to 27th street, there was no snow. By the time I got to the stadium, there was blue skies and sun. I met Jody, we drove to the Johnson Creek outlet mall, a stop for a quick breakfast, then out towards Madison to DeJope casino. Small place, class B gaming, interesting machines, you had to hit the spin button twice to play, once to register the bet, and once to initiate the game. I enjoyed watching the machines take my money. I watched some Disney movies last night, then slept. Today I intend on getting some coffee somewhere and maybe a trip to the bookstore. Right now I'm still waking up.