Thursday, January 25, 2007

Well, I'm all set to begin work on Monday. I stopped in today, turned in my release from the Doctor, sat with my boss, and straightened up my desk a bit. Everybody in my department is eager for me to return. I've been up since 6:00am. I'm trying to see if I can make it through the day without a nap. It's 2:00pm and I am tired. I still haven't gotten my insurance check for the month. I should get it by the 26th, that leaves a day. I really need that check, I race to the mail box every day. It'll be nice to get it, I'll be able to afford to live again! Getting back to work and having a regular income will be such a nice change from what I'm used to now. Tomorrow I have the appointment with the Orthopedic Doctor for my shoulder. It should be interesting. Hopefully, I'll get a massage out of this!